Injured on a Bicycle in Western Australia

As people across the globe become more ecologically conscious, many are opting to ride their bike instead of driving a car to help reduce their carbon footprint. Others ride for recreation and the joy of flying down the open road.

While biking is excellent for the environment and your health, it’s an activity that does carry the risk of significant injury to the rider. If you’re a cyclist who finds themselves injured in an accident with a negligent motor vehicle, do you know what types of compensation you might be entitled to?

How can I protect myself on the road?

The most important step you can take to ensure your own safety is to observe all of the rules of the road. You should also make sure to wear protective gear, such as helmets or padding. While it may not provide as much protection as you would like, something is better than nothing in the case of impact with either the road or a motor vehicle.

What can I claim?

If you are a cyclist who is injured in an accident with a negligent motor vehicle in WA, there are a number of different types of compensation that you may be able to claim depending upon the unique circumstances of the incident. These can include pain and suffering; past and future lost wages; loss of future earning capacity; past and future medical expenses; the cost of rehabilitation; and economic damages (cost of the damage caused to your biking equipment).

Under Western Australia’s CTP scheme, any third party injured or killed as a result of the negligent driving of a WA-registered motor vehicle is entitled to compensation payments for personal injury suffered, subject to certain statutory thresholds. For cyclists, compensation is paid only if the driver is fully or partly at fault in a motor vehicle accident with the cyclist. The cyclist’s compensation own contributory negligence in causing the accident (if any) is also taken into account.

It’s important to note that the CTP insurance policy only covers personal injury. It does not provide any cover for damage to motor vehicles or property (including bicycles or personal items).

Injured cyclists can also make a claim even if the offending vehicle cannot be identified or is unknown – such as in a hit-and-run situation.

How much will I receive in compensation for my injuries?

The greater the fault of the other driver, the more serious your injuries, and the less culpable you are in your own accident, the more compensation you are likely to be awarded.

The damages that you try and claim must be related to, or caused by, the accident to qualify. It is important that you save all receipts, medical bills, prescription orders, and insurance claims during this time to prove the amount of your damages. You should also document your injuries by taking pictures of  yourself at various stages of recovery.

What other claims might I be entitled to?

If your cycling injury occurs in a public place as a result of the conditions at that location (such as an uneven pathway), you may be entitled to file a public liability claim.

A professionally trained lawyer will be able to advise you as to the claim’s likelihood of success, ensure all claim elements are submitted on time, and alleviate some of the stress involved in making a claim, allowing you to focus on what matters most: getting better.

Gajic Lawyers are specialists in personal injury, with diverse experience in claims related to motor accidents and public liability. If you’re a cyclist who has been injured in an incident with a motor vehicle, or gone over the handlebars in a public area and are unsure of your rights, get in touch with our Perth injury lawyers on 0298905885 today to have your case assessed today.